Alia Bhatt has reportedly walked out of Nitesh Tiwari's Ramayan due to date issues, leaving fans disappointed. While Ranbir Kapoor is still a part of the film, the production timeline seems to have shifted, with the film still in the pre-production stage. Yash's involvement in the project is also uncertain, as he has committed to another film.
- August 24, 2023
Late last night, Priyanka Chopra took to her IG handle to share the final moments just before Chandrayaan-3 successfully landed on the moon. Along with that, she wrote the caption, "India on the Moon. #proud. Congratulations to the brilliant minds @ISRO for making the @Chandryaa-3 such a success!”. Read more inside
- August 24, 2023
Marston Hefner is brushing off those who aren't a fan of his OnlyFans.
In fact, the son of late Playboy founder Hugh Hefner hit back at his family members for holding a "double standard" on...
- August 24, 2023
Smith previously suffered a season-ending injury in last year's Week 1 loss to Florida State
- August 24, 2023
The one where Courteney Cox has her very own junk room.
The Friends star cheekily recreated an iconic scene from the long-running show by revealing that she—like her neat-freak character...
- August 23, 2023