Shah Rukh Khan's upcoming film 'Dunki' with director Rajkumar Hirani will reportedly release its teaser on Diwali. The film, also starring Taapsee Pannu and Vicky Kaushal, is said to be a social drama based on the issue of illegal immigration. It follows the journey of a Punjabi boy trying to enter Canada through the method known as 'Donkey Flight'.
S.O.S—these photos of Nick Jonas and daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas will melt your heart.
While posting images of her August travels, Priyanka Chopra shared adorable snapshots of a family...
Mackenzie Shirilla shared an emotional message after she was convicted of killing her boyfriend and a friend last summer.
The Ohio teen, who received to two concurrent sentences for 15 years to...
Alia Bhatt shared that the best gift she received from her husband, Ranbir Kapoor, was a milk cake flown from London to Bulgaria during the shoot of 'Brahmastra'. She also mentioned her ability to control her dreams and described her experience of flying in them. Alia and Ranbir got married in an intimate ceremony last year and welcomed their daughter, Raha, in November 2022.